Flat Spiral Bracelet and Earring Set
Materials for making a flat
spiral bracelet:
--(350) size 11/0 seed beads
--(36) size 6 seed beads
--(38) 6mm bicones beads
--(19) 8mm round beads
--A clasp
--Beading needle and thread
(0.3mm in diameter)
--A ruler
--Optional: glue
Instructions on making flat
spiral bracelet:
1. Measure and cut 1
yard of thread. Thread your needle. You have two options now:
adding a stop bead or a bead stop. To attach a stop bead, slide on a 11/0
seed bead and bring it down until it’s about 6”
away from the end of the thread. Pass the needle through the bead in the
opposite direction and you’ll have your stop
bead. I prefer to use bead stops. So just attach your springy bead
stop to your thread, about 6” away from one end.
2. String on two round
beads. Now string on the following design: (4) 11/0 seed beads, a size 6
seed bead, a bicone bead, a size 6 seed bead, and (4) 11/0 seed beads.
This design will be used over and over again! So now slide your needle up
through the two round beads. Slide on the same design as before (the four
11/0 seed beads, a size 6 seed bead, etc.) and then slide your needle up
through the two round beads again.
3. String on one round
bead. String on the same design as before (the four 11/0 seed beads, a
size 6 seed bead, etc.). Now slide your needle up through the top two
round beads. String on the same design as before and slide your needle up
through the top two round beads again.
4. Repeat Step Three until
you reach about 6-3/4". String on: two 11/0 seed beads, a bicone
bead, and one half of the clasp. Slide the needle back down through the bicone
bead. String on two 11/0 seed beads. Pass the needle down through
two round beads. Go back through the beads so you can stabilize the clasp
better. That means going through one of the side loops on the bracelet,
going through the two 11/0 seed beads, bicone bead, clasp, back through the
bicone bead, through two 11/0 seed beads, and then back through the two round
beads. Do this about three times. When you are done stabilizing the
clasp, go through all the round beads to the other end. String on two
11/0 seed beads, a bicone bead, and the other half of the clasp. Pass the
needle back through the bicone bead. Slide on two 11/0 seed beads.
Pass the needle through two round beads. Stabilize the clasp by going
back through some of your beadwork. Tie the two ends of thread
together. You can apply a dab of glue to the knot for added security.
Trim ends.
Materials for making flat
spiral earrings:
--(140) size 11/0 seed beads
--(16) size 6 seed beads
--(12) 6mm bicones beads
--Plain ear wires
--Beading needle and thread
(0.3mm in diameter)
--A ruler
--Optional: glue
Instructions on making flat
spiral earrings:
1. Measure and cut 1
yards of thread. Thread your needle. You have two options now:
adding a stop bead or a bead stop. To attach a stop bead, slide on a 11/0
seed bead and bring it down until it’s about 6”
away from the end of the thread. Pass the needle through the bead in the
opposite direction and you’ll have your stop
bead. I prefer to use bead stops. So just attach your springy bead
stop to your thread, about 6” away from one end.
2. String on two bicone
beads. Now string on the following design: (4) 11/0 seed beads, a
size 6 seed bead, & (4) 11/0 seed beads. This design will be used
over and over again! So now slide your needle up through the two bicone
beads. Slide on the same design as before (the four 11/0 seed beads, a
size 6 seed bead, etc.) and then slide your needle up through the two bicone
beads again.
3. String on one bicone
bead. String on the same design as before (the four 11/0 seed beads, a
size 6 seed bead, etc.). Now slide your needle up through the top two
bicone beads. String on the same design as before and slide your needle
up through the top two bicone beads again.
Is the Video available please?
ReplyDeleteyes... contact me on bbm 33151489 or 09022430901