Friday, 17 July 2015

Beading Tutorial - How to Make an Ocean Blue Seed Bead Cluster Necklace Easily

Materials needed in free seed bead necklace patterns:
Blue Seed  Beads
0.5mm Copper Wire
Golden Cross Chain
Brass Lobster Claw Clasps
Jewelry Pliers Sets

Step1Make a drop loop with seed beads
1st, cut about 5cm read copper wire;
2nd, thread blue seed beads onto the wire;
3rd, intercross enwind the copper wire to finish the first drop loop.

Step2Keep making loops to shape an ocean blue necklace
1st, cut enough red copper wire pieces;
2nd, repeat the above steps to make enough drop loops;
3rd, Prepare a golden chain which is suitable to your neck and add all the loops onto the chain.

Add the claw clasp and wear it on your neck! Here is the final look of the seed bead necklace pattern.

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