Sunday, 31 May 2015

How to Bead a Purple Pearl Lace Necklace for Brides

How to Bead a Purple Pearl Lace Necklace for Brides

Posted by Omo-Ola wireworks & Beads
BBM: 33151489 or 09022430901

Materials and tools list:


4mm Purple Glass Pearl Beads
6mm Purple Glass Pearl Beads
8mm Lavender Glass Pearl Beads
2mm Round Seed Beads
Bead Tips
0.38mm Tiger Tail
A set of Box Clasp
Side Cutting Pliers
Flat Nose Pliers

Instructions on beading the pearl lace necklace:
1. Measure and cut a length of tiger tail to approximately 200cm. String a 2mm seed bead and slide it to the center location. Pass either wire end through the seed bead to make it stay in place. Then, add one bead tip, close with flat nose pliers to cover the seed bead.

2. Add one 4mm purple glass pearl per wire, take another pearl and pass two wire ends through from two directions. Tighten the wire ends.

3. On the left wire end, add three 4mm and one 8mm glass pearls. Then thread the wire through the three 4mm pearls.

4. On the right wire end, add three 4mm glass pearls. Then, take the wire and thread it through the 8mm pearl in previous loop and then the three newly added 4mm pearls. Tighten both wire ends.

5. Take another 4mm pearl bead and pass two wire ends through from two directions. Here youll get the 1st pearl necklace pattern.

6. Add one 4mm purple glass pearl per wire, take another pearl and pass two wire ends through from two directions. Tighten the wire ends and this is 2nd pearl necklace pattern.

7. Repeat the two patterns above until you get a desired necklace length.

8. Do another 4-bead loop (pattern 2) at the end of necklace. Add the bead tip on, then across them through another 2mm seed beads. Pull the wire as snugly as you can and secure by tying a fasten knot. Finally, close the bead tip.

9. Bead the pearl lace part. Youll need: cut another length of tiger tail wire, about 80cm. Leave a 4cm long tail, pass through the 1st bead loop and exit it at the middle 4mm pearl bead in adjacent bead flower. Next, add four 6mm pearl beads, thread the wire through the middle 4mm pearl bead in next bead flower.Keep on adding four 6mm pearls between each two bead flower.

10. After finish the pearl lace, thread the remaining wires through the two loops at end to get it stuck. Do the same with the leftover 4cm wire at the other end. Trim the leftovers if necessary.

11. Attach the clasp by using four jumprings.

So, these are all details about how you can bead a purple pearl lace necklace tutorial. Additionally, you can also replace the color with elegant white tone or adorable pink one. Whatever, I hope it may be of some help to you.

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