Sunday, 31 May 2015

How to Started as a Makeup Artist

How to Started as a Makeup Artist

Posted by Omo-Ola wireworks&beads
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This is your most important preparation as makeup artistry is a skill to be improved on.  Going to school will not bring you a better job- your skills and determination will.
You need to practice on tons of different people- various face shapes, eye shapes, skin colors, eye colors, and ages.
Make sure to photograph all of your looks as this will show you later on where you need to improve AND how your makeup translates to pictures.  Makeup in real life looks very different from makeup in pictures- it tends to get washed out and not be as vibrant.
You do not need an expensive pile of makeup, but you do need to invest in a variety of brushes and use makeup primers.  Using different brushes especially for the eyes will give you different looks based on how you use them.
Ask other makeup artists, friends, and family members what they think of your work- tell them to be honest, as genuine criticism is how we improve!  (It hurts, I know, but it makes us better ;)


Your first step in getting your name out there is to get professional business cards. inexpensive and you can customize them how you like.  Make your cards clean and professional and be sure to include your name, email address, link to your online portfolio, and possibly phone number.  Remember the KISS rule:   Keep It Simple Stupid  :)
Make yourself known to all wedding planners, party planners, local makeup counters, and any event coordinators.  Whenever you meet them, be dressed professionally and have a great makeup look on- your face is your hugest advertisement!
Hand out your business cards to all local planners, colleges and high schools (for prom season), retailers at makeup counters, and anyone else who will take your card.  It takes time to build a reputation, so dont give up too soon.

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