Sunday, 31 May 2015

How to wash your beads

How to wash your beads

Posted by Omo-Ola wireworks&beads
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Whenever new beads arrive in our workspace, its always tempting to open them up and get beading right away. Anything that comes between new beads and a great idea is bound to be a little unwelcome, but sometimes a few extra steps are necessary. Washing beads before using them is definitely one of them.

While most beads are ready to use right out of the package, there are a few that need some care to make sure theyre at their best so that they can make your designs shines. Freshwater pearls and shell, trade beads, and vintage beads can all use a bit of freshening up, and youd be amazed at how different they look after a quick wash!

Heres how I do it:

1. Remove your beads from the strand or package, and place in a clean container that is about 3 to 4 times the volume of the beads youre washing. I like to use fruit or applesauce cups, but just about any container will do. 

2. Add some plain water, enough to fully submerge the beads. Do not add any soap or other products - you dont want to have any film left behind on the beads. Give them a swish, or place a lid on your container and shake gently. Pour off the water and repeat 3 or more times. If your beads have lots of residue, let them soak for awhile in a bit of warm water, then rinse.

3. Carefully pour off as much of the water as possible, then lay the beads out on a clean towel - lint-free or microfiber is best. Fold the towel over the beads, then use your palm to gently rub the beads in small circles to remove excess water.

4. Spread the beads out on a new dry towel, and let them air dry for a few hours or overnight to be sure that no water is trapped within the bead holes. If necessary, give the beads another soak until youre happy with the results.

The shine and color that comes out after beads have been washed is absolutely worth the extra effort. Its also a good way to test your beads for colorfastness. If youre worried about color coming off, test wash a few beads first.

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